
From Dustloop Wiki

General Tactics

Team positioning


Frieza is good at point because he can deal a lot of damage early for very little bar, he also can extend his combos by using good assists. Golden Frieza is somewhat wasted tho, and he doesn't have nearly the comeback factor that he would have in anchor.



Frieza can blow a lot of meter for a lot of damage, so he makes a phenomenal anchor if you have a good combo game. If you're on the ropes and you have the meter and Sparking Blast, blow all of it and go ham because SB with Golden Frieza is one of the most terrifying powerup combinations in the game and sometimes the mere sight of this combo can throw your opponent off balance. At the same time, it is definitely a Hail Mary play because an opponent that knows what they're doing will do everything they can to keep you on the defensive. If you can catch them in a reversal though, then they will know why Frieza is the Emperor of the Universe.

Picking Teammates



Tips and Tricks

Fighting Frieza
