
Template page
Revision as of 18:01, 23 January 2023 by PrivateTarkus (talk | contribs)

Used to generate rows in the Players to Watch table


Color   = The color's filename suffix. Game and Character are inferred from the URL.
Size    = The size of the color image. Default is x125px.
Name    = The player's username.
Region  = The player's region.
Footage = A link to an example VOD, or a link to an archive service such as keeponrockin or replaytheatre.

GameCharaOverride = (OPTIONAL) Used to override the Game and Character information from TitleParts in edge cases.


|Color   = 01
|Size    = x125px
|Name    = John Doe
|Region  = {{IconText|Location|USA|Right}}
|Footage = https://youtu.be/Y2fprqaGpgA?t=4291
|Note    = Explanation of why you should care about the footage for this example
This section is not an endorsement of players as a people. This is a tool to help find videos to learn matchups, combos, and general play techniques. For guidelines and best practices, visit the Template Doc
Color Name Region Sample Footage Things to Watch For
[[File:GBVS_Beelzebub_Color 01|x125px]] John Doe Location USA.png https://youtu.be/Y2fprqaGpgA?t=4291 Explanation of why you should care about the footage for this example